
Know Your Numbers: Intro to Finance


This certificate course focuses on everything you need to know to have a basic understanding of finance.


$399 Sports ETA Member

$499 Non-Sports ETA Member



Income statements, balance sheets, cash flow, accounting methods, pro formulas, and more. This course is designed for anyone who has ever wanted a clearer understanding of the core components of finance, applicable to any industry. Elevate your knowledge of this key business area through this 5-session course breaking down principles of finance in an understandable and unintimidating way.


You will earn 4 credits towards your STS Designation.

After completing this course, you will be able to:

  • Define the roles of a financial manager in various types of firms and non-profits.
  • Distinguish between the three major financial statements and use them effectively after publication.
  • Analyze firm financial performance by evaluating all essential components of the firm’s financial statements.
  • Develop a proforma through capital budgeting.
  • Evaluate capital investments to make educated investment decisions.

Learn More

Review the Introduction to Finance Certificate Course Overview to learn more about the industry experts leading this course and course session topics.

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