
Disability Awareness and Sports Tourism


This course explores how to increase access and opportunities in the world of adaptive sports.

$399 Sports ETA Member

$499 Non-Sports ETA Member




The Disability Awareness and Sport Tourism Course, presented by Fort Wayne Indiana Destination Sports, will provide an in-depth look into creating inclusive sports events. With a focus on advancing the adapted sport movement, the course aims to create increased access and opportunities for individuals with disabilities to engage in and enjoy sports.


You will earn 4 credits towards your STS Designation.

After completing this course, you will be able to:

  • Identify the broad impact of disabilities on athletes, their families, spectators, and society.
  • Learn how to prepare venues for individuals with disabilities, by identifying and addressing barriers, and implementing proactive strategies for creating universally accessible events.
  • Develop strategic planning skills for inclusive sports events, encompassing teams with disabilities, effective communication, and community promotion.

Learn More

Review the Disability Awareness and Sport Tourism Course Overview to learn more about the industry expert leading this course and course session topics.

If you would like to use an existing Sports ETA credit (or coupon code) to purchase education courses, please contact, and we will be glad to assist you.