
Confident on Camera


Instructor Kathrine Nero guides you through a step-by-step process that will build your comfort and confidence on camera.

$399 Sports ETA Member

$499 Non-Sports ETA Member




Embark on a transformative journey in this STLI course, Confident on Camera, where you will acquire the skills needed to excel in virtual communication. Instructor Kathrine Nero guides you through a step-by-step process that will build your comfort and confidence on camera. She will dive into the intricacies of optimizing your virtual interview or call setup, mastering video, audio, and composition for a polished presentation. Uncover strategies to enhance your connection with viewers or interviewers, creating a lasting impact in every interaction. As you progress through the course, you will gain insights into the art of preparation, promotion, and flawless execution of compelling social media live sessions. Whether you’re navigating interviews, virtual meetings, or live broadcasts, this course empowers you to have confidence on camera, ensuring you leave with the expertise to shine in any virtual setting.


You will earn 4 credits towards your STS Designation.

After completing this course, you will be able to:

  • Develop a heightened level of comfort and confidence in front of the camera, allowing you to present yourself authentically in various virtual settings.
  • Master the art of setting up your virtual environment for optimal video, audio, and composition, ensuring a professional and polished appearance in virtual interviews and calls.
  • Explore diverse techniques to establish a deeper and more meaningful connection with your viewers or interviewers, fostering engagement and building rapport in virtual interactions.
  • Acquire comprehensive skills in preparing, promoting, and executing engaging social media live sessions, maximizing your impact and interaction in the dynamic world of live broadcasting.

Learn More

Review the Confident on Camera Course Overview to learn more about the industry expert leading this course and course session topics.

If you would like to use an existing Sports ETA credit (or coupon code) to purchase education courses, please contact, and we will be glad to assist you.